Narnia Catechesis: New Time!
We are going to start Catechism earlier with the potluck beginning right after church and the Catechism teaching starting at 11:45 PM and ending at 2:00 PM. Please let us know if you need childcare at so we know who to expect and how many kids will be in childcare.
See this schedule with the Narnia Books and Anglican topics. Next week’s class will be on the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and we will study what it means for Anglicanism to be Reformed.
September 8: Introduction
September 15– The Magician’s Nephew
The Doctrine of God
September 29– The Magician’s Nephew
Anglicanism as The Early Church
October 20– The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Doctrine of the Incarnation
November 3– The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Anglicanism as a Reformed Church
November 17– The Horse and His Boy
The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
December 8– The Horse and His Boy
Anglicanism as a Confessing Church; The 39 Articles of Religion
January 12– Prince Caspian
The Doctrine of Baptism and the New Life in Christ
February 2– Prince Caspian
Anglicanism as A Worshiping Church: The Book of Common Prayer
February 16– The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Doctrine of the Two Great Sacraments
March 2– The Silver Chair
The Ten Commandments and the Law
March 16– The Last Battle
Anglicanism as An Orderly Church: Bishops, Priests, and Deacons and The Doctrine of the Lord’s Prayer
March 30- The Last Battle
Anglicanism as An Evangelical Church: The Great Missionary Expansion
April 13
Episcopal Visit
For those who will be confirmed during our episcopal visit, we will have one more date where we will meet with the bishop. That date is to be determined.