What We Believe

Holy Trinity is a lively community of faith that rests in the strength of the past, hopes in the promises of God for the future and is freed to engage with God’s redeeming work today. We rejoice in our diversity and celebrate our unity in Jesus.

We stand in the historic tradition of the Church without reservation, relying on the Bible as the Word of God and Jesus as the full expression of God.  And we are confident that Jesus is both restoring us and giving us the joy of restoring the world with him.

Our beliefs can be summed up in the Creeds:

What is Anglicanism?

Ancient Faith

  • We believe that the practices of the church ought to be rooted and grounded in God’s Word expressed in the Church throughout history. There are many faithful ways of being a Christian, but we do believe that there are specific practices found in the Scripture that create and shape us into mature disciples who make disciples.

  • We believe the things that the Church has always believed and we seek to walk in the Scriptural rhythms that Christians throughout history have walked in.

Global Relationship

  • We truly are a Global Church. With 80 million Anglicans worshiping around the world, we join with a great multitude as we proclaim the same truths and mysteries together. Most Anglicans (and Christians) are in the Southern Hemisphere. The average Christian today is a 23 year old black African mother. Our prayers are joined with those of every tribe and tongue and nation.

  • In God’s wisdom, Holy Trinity’s primary global connection is Rwanda, East Africa.

Local Mission

  • Walking in the historic tradition and in relationship with the global church empowers us for life together locally. The only way the world ever changes is at the local level. Therefore, as Anglicans, we are vigilant and mindful to see justice and redemption come to this world – not just wait for the world to come. Jesus says in Mark 1.15: “The time has come; the kingdom of God has come near…” The kingdom of God is breaking into this world in the person of Jesus and that means being participants and joining God in the renewal of all things.

Holy Trinity is part of the Rocky Mountain Diocese, a diocese of the Anglican Church of North America.